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J.J. Abrams Talks Episode VII. Says They Have A Finished Script

It’s been awhile since we’ve heard J.J. Abrams talk about Episode VII lately, but today over at the Television Critics Association Tour, where he is promoting his new TV series “Believe,” the director shared some details about where the production is currently at for Episode VII when talking to the media:
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“We’re working really hard and we’ve got our script and we’re in deep prep. Full steam ahead, y’know.”


He also commented on the rumor about actor Jesse Plemons being up for a role in the movie:

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“He is one of the actors that we’ve talked to, yeah. But, you know. It’s not often that I read about actors that I’m going to be meeting … that I get to read articles about actors who are going to come in. And so I get to see someone and say, ‘Oh, I read that I’m going to see you.’ … It’s usually agents talking to people about what’s happening. It’s a lot of noise.”


When asked about whether he’d like to shoot the film  in IMAX, Abrams responded:

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“In the right situation I would. The problem with IMAX is it’s a very loud camera. It’s a very unreliable camera. Only so much film can be in the camera. You can’t really do intimate scenes with it. It’s slow. They break down often. Having said that, they’re working on digital versions of these and so there may be a version one day. But we’re going to be shooting this next movie on film.”


Abrams was also asked about what the craziest rumor he’s heard about Episode VII:

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“There’ve been so many of them. It’s amazing to see how many there are. … But it’s sweet because it shows that there’s an interest in this movie that we all obviously know is there. But it is an incredible thing to see how many crazy things get thrown out that people often then write commentaries about. How happy they are, how disappointed they are about something that is completely false. It’s a lot of noise, frankly.”


And finally, if he plans on directing the entire new trilogy:

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“I’m just focusing on ‘Episode VII’ right now.”


It’s great to hear from Abrams that they finally have a finished script, and that they’re deep into pre production, as well as casting. It sounds like production is moving along nicely for Episode VII, and in just a few short months, the cameras will be rolling on a brand new Star Wars movie!

You can check out the full article on J.J Abrams talking about Episode VII over at The Wrap.

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