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Frontlines: Episode 43

We’ve gotta be able to get some sorta reading on that podcast…up or down. Well, how could they be jamming unless they know it’s time for another episode of Frontlines: The Clone Wars Podcast! Mike and Matt return this week with all the latest news in Clone Wars and Collecting, a recap of the episode The Zillo Beast, and your listener feedback! All that and more, on this week’s Frontlines: The Clone Wars Podcast!

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  • Obiwan94

    How long will you be selling the T-shirts?

    April 16, 2010 at 7:58 am
  • Battlefrog

    So, how does Zillo beast know that Palpatine ordered Zillo’s execution? Does Zillo beast speak Basic? Why does Zillo hunt down Palpatine and how does Zillo know where Palpatine is? Obvious answer: Zillo is not only intelligent, Zillo is force sensitive and can imediately see the Dark Nature of Palpatine. Palpatine is also aware of this as is made evident in Palpatine’s sinsiter and telling glances.

    If my interpretation is not correct then their needs to be another explanation for Zillo’s understanding and targeting. Zillo wasn’t on a random rampage, he went after Palpatine.

    April 17, 2010 at 8:05 pm
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