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Greg Weisman Briefly Talks Star Wars Rebels In A New Interview

Friend of the site Andy Behbakht, who is the host of the The Flash Podcast, recently had the chance to do an interview with “Star Wars Rebels” executive producer Greg Weisman on his latest episode, and while the discussion mainly focused on Greg’s previous show “Young Justice,” he did briefly share some small information on “Star Wars Rebels” as well. Below is what Greg had to say about “Star Wars Rebels” in the interview:
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Andy Behbakht – “You are doing this little project – it’s like the first time someone has ever done this before – , Star Wars Rebels, this tiny little project at something called Disney! How has that been becoming part of that world that isn’t just Disney but also Star Wars as an executive producer and writer for that show, right?”

 Greg Weisman -“Yeah, I have written a few of the episodes and I’m executive producer, one of three executive producers on Star Wars Rebels with Dave Filoni and Simon Kinberg and beyond that, I’m allowed to say very little.

 The series is set between episode III and episode VI, a little closer to episode VI: A New Hope of the movies. We are very excited about it and I think it’s really a show that is going to kick ass. Obviously a few of the characters, the leads have all been revealed and one of our villains and stuff but I’m just flat out not allowed to talk about it.

 [Regarding a Star Wars Rebels panel at San Diego Comic-Con] I’m sure there will be something at San Diego, I’m not privy to what exactly their plans are, but I’m sure they are going to have some presence at San Diego and through the summer.

 The show premieres in the fall, I know I’m allowed to say that so. It won’t be too long before people are seeing the show and sort of decide for themselves, but I think the stuff is looking great, great people on the show, in particular Dave Filoni and you know, talented artists, great writers, I think the show is phenomenal. “


So while understandably no new information was revealed about the series, it was good to hear from Greg that it looks like there will be more stuff revealed about “Star Wars Rebels” at San Diego Comic Con this summer, which is really the first we’ve heard of the show having a presence there.

Thanks goes out to Andy Behbakht for allowing us to share this portion of the interview, and if you were a fan of “Young Justice,” be sure to check out the full interview with Greg Weisman over at The Flash Podcast.



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