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Breaking News from the Holonet! has added several HUGE updates today to coincide with the premiere of Star Wars: The Clone Wars!

Perhaps most exciting of all, Star Wars: The Clone Wars will be available to download on iTunes!  Yes, that’s right, you’ll be able to download episodes of The Clone Wars each week!  You’ll be able to purchase these episodes for $1.99 each, or $39.99 for the season pass.  Each episode will be available the day following it’s initial air date, so the first two episodes, “Ambush” and “Rising Malevolence” will be available tomorrow, Saturday, Oct. 4th.

As well as this, free content will be available online, in the form of a half-hour behind the scenes special on the making of The Clone Wars available on iTunes today, and an online Webcomic.  The Clone Wars Webcomic has launched and you can find it here.  The webcomic is illustrated by none other than Official Star Wars artist, Tom Hodges, who is in fact a member of our own Facebook Group.  The two stories available lead in to the new episodes of The Clone Wars, airing tonight.  Hopefully we’ll be able to look forward to new stories each week, leading in to new episodes.

And as a huge suprise, The Holonet News has returned!  In it’s previous incarnation, The Holonet News was an “In-Universe” website that brought Star Wars Fans news taking place in the Star Wars Universe, leading up to the events of the Clone Wars.  Rumours had been circulating for the past couple of weeks that The Holonet News would be returning, but in what form nobody knew, until now.  Available as of today on and iTunes(although I couldn’t find it in the Canadian iTunes Store…), is a new MP3 episode of The Holonet News.  This is huge news, as has never really had a podcast.  The show will continue the “In-Universe” theme of it’s namesake, and each episode may take a different format, from Round Table Discussions, to Breaking News, to whatever they can come up with!  You can download that here.

We’ll post a link to all of the content available in the iTunes Store as soon as they become available.

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  • Jack

    That Holonet news link is really awesome, hope they keep it up every week. Makes you feel like a citizen of the republic (=

    BTW, I would join the facebook group if I actually had a facebook.

    October 3, 2008 at 7:53 pm
  • yourbiggestfan

    whats the name of the podcast. because on itunes i fund imerial holonet and clone wars holonet

    October 7, 2008 at 9:21 pm
  • Michael Cohen

    The name of the podcast on iTunes is Holonet News, and you can tell which on it is, because the artist is Lucas Online.

    October 7, 2008 at 9:25 pm
  • yourbiggestfan

    what is taking so long to put the podcast up?

    October 10, 2008 at 8:21 pm
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